MusicNomad MN762
Tuotenumero 1080634Pasuunan puhdistusharja, pituus 112cm
Tilapäisesti loppu
Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Music Nomad MN762 Premium Trombone Snake Brush
MusicNomad has set a whole new higher standard for what you should expect when you buy a trombone snake cleaning brush. Our 44"/112 cm unique tangle-free & flexible design uncoils straight making cleaning a breeze. Our premium stainless steel core is protected by our innovative waterproof liner that is PVC & Vinyl free and protects your instrument. Our pro quality fibers on both ends are the perfect tensile strength you need for effective cleaning of grime & saliva, a critical detail you will appreciate. It even comes in a convenient resealable, reusable, & recyclable storage bag. That's MusicNomad quality - raising the bar in equipment care.