Antares Harmony Engine
Tuotenumero 1030441Harmony Engine Evo avaa sinulle aivan uuden vokaaliharmonioiden maailman.
Harmony Engine is a real-time harmony generating plug-in that lets you produce professional quality harmony arrangements from a single vocal or monophonic instrument track. Whether you’re an experienced arranger, a songwriter looking for the perfect backup vocal, or a producer experimenting with unique effects, Harmony Engine gives you new ways to create the harmony parts you hear in your head. It offers a variety of control modes, from fully automatic to individual control of every note. Harmony Engine features four high-quality harmony voices with independently adjustable vocal character, vibrato, and pan settings for realistic or extreme effects. And five channels of our Choir vocal multiplier lets you turn each harmony voice into 2, 4, 8, or 16 individual unison voices.
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