Acon DeFilter
Tuotenumero 1057497Automaattinen ekvalisaattori plugin
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Maksa heti, laskulla tai osamaksulla - Tallenna kortti ja pankkitili - Helppo ja turvallinen - Klarnan ostajan suoja
Acon Digital DeFilter
- Automatically estimates correction filter that evens out the frequency spectrum
- Removes resonances and comb filter effects
- Predefined target profiles include music, speech and an automatic mode that extracts timbre from the input signal
- Correction filters can be saved and used as a reference for matched equalization
- Adjustable length of the correction filter from 1 to 20 milliseconds
- Frequency spectrum representation of the of the following signals:
- Correction filter
- Input signal
- Output signal
- Frequency emphasis filter for the the level of correction
Platforms and Plugin Formats
- Available as VST or AAX plug-in on PC (Windows)
- Available as VST, AAX or AU plug-in on Apple Macintosh (OSX)
- Native 32 bit and 64 bit versions are available
- Supports sampling rates up to 96 kHz